Appointments can be made in advance and on the day. For an on the day appointment please call the surgery as early as possible after 8am. If you contact the surgery to make an emergency appointment the reception staff may ask questions as instructed by the the Doctor to be able to assess if the patient needs to be seen the same day.
We can’t always provide on day or next day appointments with the GP of your choice, but we can normally offer you an appointment, Face to Face or via Telephone Triage with one of our ACP’s
ACP’s are Advanced Clinical Practitioners who have had advanced training and have specific skills in the assessment and treatment of acute illness. They have worked in practice for some time and have been mentored by the Practice GP’s
The ACP’s will be the first point of contact for acutely ill patients needing urgent on the day appointments, supported by the duty GP or the patients usual GP. They can diagnose, prescribe, and refer as necessary.
We have a range of appointments morning and evening and some afternoons. If you would like to make an appointment please do so by ringing the surgery or calling in. Please make sure that you cancel any unwanted appointments as they can be given to another patient.
In order to access this service you will need to obtain your password and username from the surgery. To do this you will need to visit the practice and present photo identification to one of the reception team.